Friday, December 4, 2009

Update - We Are Home!

Kelley got to come home yesterday around 5:00 PM and had a pretty good night. Looks like Kelley is going to be spending a lot of time on the couch. It's much easier for her to get up and down from it rather than the bed.

She was most excited about seeing Carver. This was the first time they had been together since Saturday night. Carver is used to me being gone for a week or so at a time with students, but this was the first time he had to be away from mommy for so long. He was SO happy to see her!

Thank you all for your prayers. We are so thankful to be home and to begin her recovery.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Update - Pathology Report

I know all of you have been waiting anxiously to hear this news. God, as we have experienced so much this past week, has continued to hear us and prove Himself faithful. The report shows that the cancer in Kelley's body was very, very small. In fact, it had not yet formed roots (forgive me if that's not the correct terminology).

Kelley is feeling SO much better tonight. Her pain continues to lessen and she sounds better and better every time we talk. If everything goes as planned, she will be coming home tomorrow evening.

Again - thank you all so much for your prayers and support. I know that they will continue for the next several weeks as she recovers. And thank You, God, for your faithfulness.

Psalm 31

Update - 1:00 PM 12/02/09

Just left Kelley's room after a quick visit. Last night and today have been the roughest so far. The level of pain she feels has increased significantly, and rest is challenging for her at best. Still awaiting pathology reports.

Took Carver for a follow up visit for the tubes he had put in six months ago. They look problems at all.

Thank you all for your prayers.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Update - 1:00

Just left Kelley's room to go pick up Carver from Weekday at GBC. Kelley is looking so much better today and aside from some pain, she is feeling well - all things considered. She had some ice cream to eat earlier today and was about to get some solid food for the first time just as I was leaving. Hopefully she will be able to keep this down and they will be able to get her some longer lasting pain medication orally. (She's currently using a morphine pump).

She logged on to her email for just a minute or two, but bending her arm kept setting off her IV alarm. I know she would like to update you all personally, but for now she's keeping her focus on rest and recovery. I know that would be your encouragement to her as well.

It's looking like we may not get the pathology reports today as we had hoped. We are not alarmed by this as we were originally told they would take a few days to process. I think we may have received some inaccurate information yesterday when we were told they might show up this morning. As soon as we have them, I will post the results here.