Hello HS Parents!
It's great to be back with you - we had an AMAZING time with our HS trip to Peru. For those of you with juniors and seniors this coming school year, I would encourage you to prayerfully consider your student's participation in this trip. It is an incredible experience to see God at work in other parts of the world.
This past week we wrapped up our Wednesday nights for the year. I led students in a 30 minute prayer time where we focused on several things including praying for lost friends, confessing our sin, and praying for our enemies. I challenged your students to spend similar time with Christ throughout the summer and allow Him to be someone they talk to daily.
This coming Sunday we will finish a four week series called "Pardon Me." This week we will close by looking closely at unlimited forgiveness. Students will discuss questions like:
1. What does Jesus say about forgiveness?
2. Is there a limit to the number of times you can ask God to forgive you?
3. What is the principle for dealing with someone who has wronged you?
Don't forget to register your student for our summer mission trip to New Orleans. We will be leaving on July 14th, and our transportation is EXTREMELY limited for this trip.
Let me know what I can pray about for your family.