For most of you school has started back and your schedule is settling back in to some sense of normalcy. I'm still waiting for that to happen for me as Wednesday nights won't really get back to normal until next week on August 10. That's the first night we'll have our incoming freshmen with us. That also means that for some of you (parents of graduates), that this is the last Family Plus email you'll receive from me.
This coming Sunday we will begin a new series called: If Necessary Use Words. It's a spin off the adage, "Preach the gospel - if necessary use words." This study will focus on the witness your students have at school, work and play without even opening their mouths about the gospel. It reminds me of a poster that my fourth grade teacher had on our classroom wall that read, "Your actions speak so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
It might be helpful for you to think about this in your own life and what you say to your kids about your beliefs through your actions. This can be unsettling and humbling when we get honest about our intentions and our actions. Mine do not always line up in reality the way they do in my mind and heart. I'm certain I'm not alone in that regard! Add John 9:1-7, 35-38, to your Bible reading this week. It's the text we'll be using this Sunday as we discuss "What is servant evangelism?"
I want to remind you that beginning Sunday, August 21, David Watkins and I will be teaching a class for parents. You can get information at Grouplink this Sunday about that class and other New Generations ministries.
I want to remind you that beginning Sunday, August 21, David Watkins and I will be teaching a class for parents. You can get information at Grouplink this Sunday about that class and other New Generations ministries.
Thanks for a great summer! I'm looking forward to what the fall will bring and the opportunities God has already ordained for you and your students to grow closer to Him and closer as a family. If there is something I can pray about for your family, please contact me via email or phone.
- Michael
- Michael
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