Friday, January 25, 2013

FAMILY PLUS High School - Jan. 25

Hello HS Parents!

We are in our second week of looking at Genesis on Sunday mornings (keeping with the church wide Bible reading plan), and the Origin of Man on Wednesday nights. The material is proving to be challenging for some and frustrating for others. 

This past Wednesday proved to be the most challenging yet. We discussed cause and effect and the fact that our universe is pointing back to a cause of our Almighty Creator. We focused on three little words in Genesis that cover a LOT of supernatural happenings: "And God said." These three little words throughout creation have such power. Think about this - when God spoke in Genesis, some things had not yet been created. Things like air, breath, vocal chords - yet God "spoke" these things and "said" words that had power ONLY because HE is the One Who said them.

This coming Sunday we are going to be talking about Scripture and the fact that it is inspired by God, reveals His expectations, and glorifies Christ. Some of the questions we'll be asking are:

1 - In what ways might Christians be tempted to supplement the Bible's authority with something else?

2 - Do you agree with the statement that, "In all God does, His first aim is to glorify Himself."

3 - What part of your life is working counter to God's intentions?


We have 12 students who are joining us for our Prayer and Fasting Retreat tonight and tomorrow. If you would like to join us in the fast (at your home or wherever you may be), we will be fasting for the entire day on Saturday. 


WINTER JAM - February 9th. Register by February 3rd. Cost: $10

GIRLS OF GRACE - February 23rd. Cost is $50. Cost after February 3rd is $65

MAN UP EVENT AT FLOYD CENTER - February 24th. Cost is $10

SPRING MISSION TRIP TO NEW ORLEANS - March 9 - 16, Cost is $175 and covers transportation, lodging, and food.

Let me know if there's anything I can pray about for your family.



Friday, January 11, 2013

FAMILY PLUS High School - Jan. 11

Hello HS Parents!

This past Wednesday we had our first "official" Wednesday night meeting of 2013. I challenged your students to take a close look at their walk with Christ and ask themselves if they are at the same place spiritually as they were last year or the year before that. We looked at 1 John 1:5-10 and discussed that Christians should "look" like Christians and that our encounter with Christ should be pushing us to be more like Him. I shared some radical transformation stories with them from some former students. Then we received communion together.

Next Wednesday we will begin a study that will focus on our worldview. All questions of faith and philosophy can be boiled down to four categories: Origin, Meaning, Morality, & Destiny. We are going to walk through all four of these for the next several months and inject into your students' worldview the biblical response to them. This will happen on Wednesday nights in Annex 2.

On Sundays we are beginning a new study that is different from what we've done in years past. It's not a biblical look at topics that teens might encounter. Rather - it's a Bible study. Every week, in every passage, your students will encounter the gospel through the in-depth study of biblical theology, apologetics, missions, and the grand narrative of Scripture. For those of you who have students telling you that they want to go deeper in God's Word - this is it. We will be on this journey for the next several months as well.

Please let me know if there is anything I can pray about for you or your family.
