Friday, December 30, 2011

FAMILY PLUS High School - December 30

Hello HS Parents!

Say hello to our last Family Plus email for 2011! I hope you've found at least one or two of these emails/blog posts useful this past year. We are working hard right now to make sure our 2012 focus is even better!

Remember that this Sunday on New Years Day we are back to our regular programming. We will be tackling the issue of media (both good and bad) and its influence on all of us.

Don't forget that we start back our midweek meetings next Wednesday night at our Family Plus Event. We will sit Dow for a meal together, share our vision for New Generations in 2012, and play a few games along the way.

This year we also have four studios for you to check out after dinner. We feel these will be very helpful if any of your New Years resolutions have to do with parenting/family. Here's a breakdown of what's on tap for that night:

   1. "Painting a Picture of Balance in My Life and Family" - Artist: Craig Webb

          (balancing family, work, play, church.....LIFE!)

     2. "Music to Calm the Savage Home" - Artist: Ralph Cook

          (biblical resolve to conflict at home...and everywhere else!)

     3. "Sculpting a Faith That Begins at Home" - Artist: Jared Norris

          (making faith the center of your home)

     4. "Designing for Safety in a Digital Universe" - Artist: Michael Eubanks

         (protecting children and teenagers living in a digital world)

Don't forget to register at church or online for Family Plus Event 2012. Let me know what I can pray about for you or your family.


Saturday, December 24, 2011

FAMILY PLUS High School -December 24

Merry Christmas HS Parents!!

I'm hoping you've got your stockings hung and have said your prayers - 'cause Santa Claus comes tonight! Okay, okay. I know if you've got high schoolers living in your house that "Santa" may not have visited your house in a long time. But I'm pretty sure he's planning on stopping by the Eubanks home tonight to visit Carver man.

I want to remind you of a couple of things:

Christmas Day: Christmas Service at 10:30am. Kids can come in their PJs and don't forget to bring your gifts to give to Jesus on his birthday!

Family Plus Event: Click on the link to the left to find out all the details of this event. You do NOT want to miss this! It will be full of family style eating, encouragment, and vision for where we are going in 2012!

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!


Friday, December 16, 2011

FAMILY PLUS High School - December 16

Hey HS Parents!

We had a GREAT time this past Wednesday night filming our entire New Generations group for a video to be shown the night of our Christmas Eve Eve Service. I wish you could have heard all those kids singing Away in a Manger - it was absolutely beautiful!

As we near Christmas, I would encourage you to think of some ways to keep the gift of Christ at the center of the season for your family. Maybe you could:

1 - Read the Christmas Story with your family. You can find it in Luke Chapter 2.

2 - Observe an intimate communion with your family. You can pick up "official" communion elements at a LifeWay store, but you certainly don't have to. You can use bread and juice purchased from the grocery store. You can find communion scriptures in Luke Chapter 22.

3 - Find a service opportunity for your family to do together. There are many service opportunities available through our church. You might even consider making a donation as a family to missions to teach your kids about stewardship.

No matter what you choose to do, one of these or something else, don't miss a great opportunity to drive your faith home - at home!

As always, let me know if I can pray about something for you or your family.

- Michael

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, December 2, 2011

FAMILY PLUS High School - December 2

Hello HS Parents!

This past Wednesday night your students and I had a discussion about the Christmas season and what it meant during the time of Christ. You know - we are very familiar with revolutions in history….the American Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and even for you who grew up in the sixties - maybe even the Sexual Revolution (which in my mind birthed much of the "grown-up" sexual permeation in our culture Bruce mentioned this past Sunday in his message).

I think, though, we should recognize that when Christ was born to Mary, He was (and still is) revolutionary! To be brief (you know how tough that is for me), speaking out against the government in the time of Christ (specifically, Caesar) could cost you your life. People who began to accept Christ's message as He grew, matured, and began to teach were declaring that their "savior" was not Caesar. Rather, their Savior was Jesus Christ. This could, and many times did, cost them their lives.

Those first century Christians began thinking about their "new" lives in Christ by eradicating the "old" in their lives. I asked your students to think about what in their lives is desperate for a revolution. I asked them to escape the "routine" that has no doubt attached itself to their Christmas experience and/or traditions - for the sake of allowing Christ to reignite the revolution He began in their lives when they first said "yes" to Him.

Christmas strikes me as the PERFECT time to do just that!

Let me know what I can pray about for you and/or your family.
