Last night we got back to our regular schedule and it was SO refreshing to me! We began a new three week series that will lead us up to Easter. The series is called "The Beautiful Trade" and focuses on trading our old life in for the new life Christ has for us - a life in His kingdom.
Our main point last night is that Jesus does not want to be a "bonus" or an addition to your already full life. Rather - Jesus wants to BE your life! We discussed our hesitancy to walk toward God and the fact that our hesitation is driven by our desire to hang on tightly to the things He is calling us away from.
We'll reinforce that message this week in our Sunday morning groups. I think this study provides an excellent chance for you to be transparent with your teenager. You can share with them the things that are difficult for you to release for the sake of focusing on God's kingdom. Seeing your authenticity and y our struggle could go a long way toward your student feeling like you are in this together!
Please let me know if there is something I can pray about for you or your family.